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Song Key & BPM Finder

The automatic analyzer will determine the BPM and key of the song, as well as other important metrics.


Upload Files

Click and select files or drag them into this window.

How to use?

It's easier than it looks!


Prepare Files

Simply gather the audio files you'd like to analyze into a folder on your computer. No additional preperation is necessary.


Upload Audio

Drag & drop your audio files into the file area on this page. Or click the file area and select the audio files from your computer.


Wait for Analysis

Analysis starts automatically after the upload step. Your files will be quickly analyzed so you won't have to wait long.


Receive Results

After completion, the results will appear in a table. You'll see key & BPM estimates, and additional data depending on your plan.

How it works?

Raveon operates according to the latest technology standards.

Browser Based

Analysis and calculations are run inside your browser so your files are never sent to another machine.

Detection Algorithms

Raveon's algorithms were developed and tuned by audio experts and PhD holders to maximize accuracy.

AI + Machine Learning

Sentiment analysis (energy, danceability, happiness) uses ML models trained on large audio data sets.

Low Level Analysis

Raveon extracts low level audio features that are instrumental for truly understanding an audio file.